5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases


Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases

The following services are included in the treatment and diagnosis of ear diseases:

1. Removal of sulfur plugs.

Simple causes of cerumen are narrow lumen, winding stroke, ear cleaning (the way they should be washed), the use of vacuum headphones. In particular, wax plugs are predisposed to those people who have an increased production of earwax. The most optimal symptom is water. That is, when it enters the ear, a person's hearing is reduced, since water contributes to the swelling of the cork and complete blockage of the ear canal. Tinnitus, dizziness, headaches and nausea also indicate that a visit to the ENT should be arranged.

2. Blowing through the Politzer.

3. Catheterization of the auditory tube.

Performed in patients with non-purulent unilateral diseases of the auditory tube. Symptoms are hearing loss, distortion of sounds and pain in the ears during otitis media. At the beginning of the procedure, anesthetics are made and further steps are carried out using three instruments (Politzer balloon, Hartmann cannula and Lutze otoscope).

4. Washing the ear.

Due to the great experience of the doctors of the Gatling med clinic, ear washing is carried out with extreme caution, because an indelicate approach can lead to serious consequences, including: violation of the skin of the canal and eardrum and the development of inflammatory processes.

Children and people with hypersensitivity are given anesthesia, as the procedure is not painless. The procedure is carried out using a syringe with a volume of up to 150 ml. and boiled water with the addition of furatsilina.

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