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info@gmed.uzVomiting of pregnant women (early toxicosis) - But it is this period of pregnancy that is often complicated by early toxicosis. According to statistics, every second expectant mother suffers from this disease. Many mistakenly consider it the norm, but this is not so: toxicosis is a pathology.
Usually, the word "early toxicosis" is understood only as nausea, vomiting and salivation. The medical understanding of this word is somewhat different from the usual one: in textbooks on obstetrics, toxicosis is considered to be all pathological changes in a woman's body that may appear in the first trimester of pregnancy. These include not only nausea and vomiting, but also some other unpleasant phenomena that are much less common (dermatoses - skin lesions, tetany - muscle cramps, osteomalacia - softening of the bones, jaundice, bronchial asthma in pregnant women
Despite numerous studies, it has not yet been possible to find the cause of toxicosis. The most popular and most reasonable theory of the occurrence of toxicosis is the so-called neuro-reflex theory, according to which disturbances in the relationship between the central nervous system and internal organs play an important role in the development of the disease. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, many women become more capricious, irritable, whiny. This happens because during the bearing of a baby, the historically “older” subcortical structures of the brain begin to work more intensively than usual, while usually the cortex is more active in a person who is at the highest stage of evolution. But subcortical structures form the majority of protective reflexes, and wise nature, protecting pregnancy, makes this part of the expectant mother's brain work more efficiently. In the subcortical structures, there is a vomiting center, as well as olfactory zones and cells that “control” internal organs, including the stomach, heart, blood vessels, lungs, and salivary glands. Therefore, nausea and vomiting may be preceded by such phenomena as deepening of breathing, increased heart rate, increased saliva, pallor due to vasospasm.
Symptoms :
The most common manifestation of toxicosis is vomiting, which can occur with different frequencies, depending on the severity of toxicosis.
With a mild course of toxicosis, vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day, may be accompanied by a prolonged or constant feeling of nausea. Vomiting happens on an empty stomach, can be caused by eating or unpleasant odors. In this case, the loss of body weight is either absent or small - 1-3 kg (up to 5% of body weight before pregnancy). This condition is easily treatable at home.
In more severe cases, vomiting occurs up to 10-20 times a day and is accompanied by salivation, while the general condition of the woman worsens significantly, weakness and apathy occur.
- Get more rest and sleep. Sleep whenever possible and the body asks. A woman with severe toxicosis is almost always helped by sick leave for 5 days.
- Avoid long breaks in eating. Eat light and high-calorie meals every 3 hours. Banana, dates, dried fruits, sweet yogurt often help. It's not scary if there is a roll or a cookie. All this is quickly digested, assimilated and gives you energy. But it is better to refrain from meat, fish, fatty and multi-component dishes (for example, Olivier salad). It is a difficult food to digest and assimilate. You will have to experiment with fiber. During pregnancy, constipation is often due to a relaxed - in company with the uterus - intestines. And in this case, rough raw fruits and vegetables will start peristalsis and regulate stools, but in some they cause gas and unpleasant colic in the stomach. So you have to try.
- Very often, nausea is especially pronounced in the morning, after sleep. This is due to the large hungry interval. To ease the feeling, try to have a light snack right before bed. If you get up at night to go to the bathroom, chew half a banana or a cracker along the way. And in the morning, waking up, still not getting out of bed, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, a bun. Lie down for another 20 minutes. Then get up, have a light breakfast, and only then brush your teeth.
- The more dehydrated the body, the greater the intoxication. Start drinking in small sips, warm-hot, good quality water. Definitely between meals, not during. For taste, you can first add lemon or lime, you can buy mineral water in a glass in a pharmacy and drink it, preferably after stirring and releasing gases from the bottle. But if you haven’t drank water before, or drank it very little, then you shouldn’t abruptly start drinking more of it.
You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!
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