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Modern methods of diagnosing lung diseases


Modern methods of diagnosing lung diseases

Modern methods of diagnosing lung diseases

Lung diseases and the importance of their timely diagnosis

Lung diseases are very common. According to statistics, more than half of chronic diseases occur in the lungs and bronchi. Among the most common pathologies of the respiratory system are:

- pneumonia;

- lungs' cancer;

- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);

- tuberculosis;

- asthma;

- bronchitis.

And not only smokers and residents of ecologically unfavorable regions suffer from them. No one is immune from inflammation and neoplasms in the lungs, and these processes can be extremely dangerous. That is why doctors recommend regular lung examinations as a preventive measure.

Methods for the study of the lungs and respiratory tract. Today, many different methods are used to examine the lungs and identify diseases and pathologies. We will consider only the main ones.

- Radioscopy. This is the most common method of examining the lungs, which allows you to see a change in the structure of the lung tissue, find foci of compaction or hollow spaces, and identify the presence of fluid or air in the pleural cavity. The image is created using an x-ray machine and displayed on the screen.
- Radiography. During this examination, the image is also created using an x-ray machine, but it is fixed on film, and not displayed on the monitor. Radiography is a very accurate and informative method for diagnosing the lungs, allowing you to see even the smallest changes in time.
- Fluorography. It is similar in principle to radiography, but the image is either printed on a small-format film or displayed on a monitor. Digital fluorography has a lower radiation exposure to humans, but the image quality is somewhat worse compared to lung radiography.
- Bronchography. This type of radiography is performed under local anesthesia and is used to diagnose the condition of the bronchi. A contrast agent is injected into the lumen of the bronchi, which does not transmit x-rays.
- Bronchoscopy. This method is used to examine the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi. It is produced by a special device - a bronchoscope, to which special forceps are attached for biopsy or extraction of foreign bodies and removal of polyps, a miniature camera and other devices. In order to protect the patient from discomfort, the manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia. The bronchoscope is inserted through the mouth into the trachea.
- Thoracoscopy. Endoscopic examination of the pleural cavity, which is performed using a special tool - a thoracoscope. It is injected into the lungs under general anesthesia through a small puncture in the chest. In many ways, the principle of action resembles bronchoscopy.

Pulmonary function test

- Pulmonary ventilation. This method allows you to find out what the respiratory volume of the lungs is and determine the degree of respiratory failure.

- Pleural puncture. During this examination of the lungs, the contents of the pleural cavity are taken for analysis through a small puncture. The manipulation takes place under local anesthesia. The main indications for pleural puncture are pleurisy, tumors, and pathological accumulations of fluid and air in the lungs.

Laboratory methods (sputum examination)

Sputum is examined in two ways: microscopic and bacterioscopic. The first allows you to detect parasites, mucus, bacteria, various formations, and, in addition, to identify tuberculosis. The bacterioscopic method reveals the causative agents of various pulmonary infections.

Of course, these are far from all methods of examining the lungs, which are in the arsenal of modern medicine. However, the above methods are used more often than others. Often the most accurate picture can be obtained by conducting several studies that complement each other.

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