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info@gmed.uzForm of amenorrhea
primary amenorrhea. It is diagnosed if menstruation does not occur at the age of 16-18 years.
Secondary amenorrhea. With it, there is a cessation of discharge after normal or irregular menstrual cycles. For the diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea, there should be no discharge for 6 months or more between the ages of 18 and 45 years.
Physiological. With physiological amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation is considered the norm. This applies to the period up to 15 years (before puberty), after 45 years (after menopause), during pregnancy and lactation.
Pathological. It is diagnosed in the absence of menstruation without physiological justification for 6 months or more. 2-3 menstruation per year does not allow to remove the diagnosis.
True. In this case, amenorrhea is caused by disruption of the endocrine system. Violated cyclic changes in the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus).
False. With false amenorrhea, cyclic changes in the reproductive system are normal, but menstrual blood does not come out. It can accumulate in the vagina, uterus, and tubes.
Royal. It is caused by a pathological violation of the state of the uterus, in particular the endometrium. The uterine form of amenorrhea can be primary, when changes occur before childbearing age, or secondary, in which endometrial pathology occurs at childbearing age. Violations of the transformation of the endometrium are also found in other forms of amenorrhea, but they are of a secondary nature. That is, they arise as a result of violations of the regulation of reproduction. In the uterine form, disturbances first occur in the endometrium, and then in other organs of the system.
Causes of amenorrhea
- Pathologies of the development of the ovaries and other organs of the reproductive system in embryogenesis.
- Chronic diseases of the ovaries, leading to a violation of their functional activity.
- Hereditary and acquired diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Violation of the activity of the glands of the endocrine system.
- Early menopause.
- Obesity.
- Insufficient body weight (more than 6%) or its sudden loss.
- Endogenous intoxications (for example, tuberculosis).
- Somatic pathology (diseases of the liver, kidneys).
- Great physical activity.
- Head injury (amenorrhea may occur within six months after the injury).
- Mental disorders.
The causes of amenorrhea can also be a change in climate, place of residence (change of time zones), a sharp transition from a high-calorie diet to a rigid low-calorie diet.
Diagnosis and treatment of amenoria
- Laboratory tests of a general nature are carried out to determine the presence or absence of pregnancy and to identify the type of amenorrhea.
- For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the content of sex hormones.
- Depending on the preliminary examination data, diagnostic tests (to determine the level of damage to the reproductive system), ultrasound, CT or MRI may be required.
Anemoria Treatment at Gatling Med
Diagnosis of amenorrhea at Gatling-Med is carried out on modern equipment using various techniques. The diagnosis is made after a thorough multilateral examination and exclusion of other pathologies. Treatment is prescribed taking into account individual characteristics, possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance to drugs.
You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!
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