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Modern methods of treatment of coronary heart disease


Modern methods of treatment of coronary heart disease

Modern methods of treatment of coronary heart disease

Ischemic heart disease (CHD), which is successfully treated in our center, occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart due to the occurrence of pathologies in the work of the coronary arteries. It occurs in two forms: acute and chronic.

Ischemia is a disease that is dangerous for its suddenness. The treatment of coronary artery disease begins when the pain behind the sternum becomes pronounced even at rest, and the oxygen starvation of the heart muscle is critical. Among the causes of IHD are: atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, narrowing of their lumen due to an active increase in the number of fatty and cholesterol plaques, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol. Immediate surgical treatment of coronary artery disease is required in acute forms - heart attack and cardiac arrest due to complete blockage of any large artery. People with the following characteristics fall into the risk category:

History of hypertension.

Smoking, alcohol abuse.

Excess weight.


Excess cholesterol.

Physical inactivity.

Wrong nutrition.

Long-term use of tableted contraceptives (for girls).

Age 60 and over.

The disease can take different forms:

Asymptomatic. The patient most often does not pay attention to a slight malaise that he experiences after suffering stress or performing hard physical work. Over time, it develops and progresses, taking on a more pronounced character.

Stress angina is a chronic type of illness.

Unstable angina - attacks that increase in frequency and strength. May signal an imminent heart attack.

Arrhythmic form (atrial fibrillation). An acute condition, turning into a chronic one, failure of the heart rhythm.

Heart attack. Acute type of coronary artery disease, the death of a share of the heart muscle, caused by the separation of a blood clot from the vessel with further blockage of its lumen.

Sudden cardiac death. It occurs due to a sharp decrease in the intensity of blood flow to the heart.

Despite the likelihood of a fatal outcome, the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, with timely and systematic treatment, has good prognoses for restoring the quality of life.

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease

Ischemia has symptoms that are easy enough to recognize: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, heaviness on the left behind the sternum, shortness of breath. This is a serious reason to seek clarification of the diagnosis. In our clinic, patients receive the latest methods of treatment and diagnosis of coronary artery disease in Moscow. We use ultrasound scanning of veins and arteries. This is a painless procedure that allows the specialist to determine the location of the affected vessels, the intensity of blood flow. The diagnostic results reveal individual characteristics for the appointment of an effective method of assistance. An additional method of research is coronary angiography (performed under local anesthesia).

Treatment of coronary artery disease in the clinic

Treatment of coronary artery disease takes place in a hospital: we offer a stay in the clinic in high comfort conditions with three meals a day and the necessary complex of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Coronary artery bypass grafting, the most complicated and dangerous method of surgical intervention that could lead to a patient's disability, is not the only possible option today. We use safe and effective treatments.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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