5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Narrowing of the urethra


Narrowing of the urethra

Narrowing of the urethra

Urethral strictures is a pathological decrease in the diameter of the urethral canal in any of its segments, surrounded by a spongy body (this is the anterior section). In this case, symptoms of damage from the lower urinary tract appear (difficulty urinating, discomfort, etc.).

A small educational program. If the posterior urethra is involved in the pathological process, then urologists call this not a stricture, but a stenosis.

Urethral stricture often predisposes to the development of urinary tract infections, prostatitis, protrusion of the bladder wall, and the formation of stones in it. In severe cases, abscesses and fistulas may form around the urethra.
The nature of the manifestations of urethral strictures depends on the severity of the narrowing. Clinical manifestation is noted when the diameter of the urethra narrows to 3-5 mm or less.

The main symptoms are:

-weak or thin stream of urine;

- periodic pain in the urethral canal after urination;

- lack of satisfaction after going to the toilet "in a small way" (it seems that there is still urine in the bladder);

- urge to urinate;

- frequent trips to the toilet;

- Difficulty urinating, need to strain.

The disease is often chronic, so it is sometimes called stricture disease. Each new exacerbation leads to the expansion of the narrowing zone.

Urologists warn that urethral strictures are formed gradually against the background of adverse factors. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of the genitourinary system and treat any pathological processes in a timely manner. It is also important not to introduce any objects into the urethral canal that could injure it.

At the slightest problem with urination, visit a urologist as soon as possible. A comprehensive examination will help to establish the cause of discomfort and eliminate it in a timely manner, preventing the growth of connective tissue and the destruction of the normal morphology of the urethra.


Urethral strictures are a complex disease, the treatment of which requires a differentiated and competent approach. Conservative therapy of the disease is not effective.

Conservative therapy is carried out only with concomitant infections of the genitourinary system. It includes the appointment of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Correction of treatment can be carried out after receiving the results of bacteriological culture of urine or prostatic secretion (depending on the clinical form of the disease).

If the disease recurs, strictures are long, urologists usually prefer open reconstructive surgery in treatment. Plastic surgery may consist in the formation of an anastomosis (direct connection of the cut ends of the urethra) or suturing the ends with a prosthesis from a tissue flap obtained from the buccal mucosa, for example (used for insufficient length of the urethra after excision of the pathological area).

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