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Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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Ozone therapy procedure


Ozone therapy procedure

Ozone therapy procedure

Ozone therapy is a procedure for injecting ozone into the bloodstream. That is, in order to obtain a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to inject liquefied gas directly into tissues or blood using a syringe or special devices. The procedure enriches the body with oxygen and restores the balance of the immune and hormonal systems.

Ozone therapy procedure

Treatment sessions with ozone mixture are carried out in different ways, depending on the purpose. There are the following types of ozone therapy procedures:

1 BAGOT - large autohemotherapy, requiring preliminary blood sampling from the patient. After mixing the biomaterial with ozone, it is administered to the patient.

2 MAHOT - small autohemotherapy. It differs from the previous one in that only 5-15 ml of blood is taken from the patient.

3 OFR - a session of intravenous administration of the drug with ozone (200-400 ml).

Scope of the method

Intravenous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture provides a complex effect:

• antibacterial;

• anti-inflammatory;

• pain reliever;

• healing;

• immunostimulating;

• cleanses from toxins.

The use of intravenous ozone therapy is necessary in the treatment of inflammatory, infectious diseases:

1 Elimination of oxygen starvation of tissues and organs allows the use of intravenous injections for hypoxic lesions.

2 Acceleration of metabolic processes in the intra- and intercellular space helps with reduced metabolism, promotes weight loss.

3 The ability of ozone therapy to normalize hormonal levels makes it possible to use the method in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the endocrine glands.

4 Cleansing the body with ozone from toxins and toxins helps in case of poisoning.

Intravenous ozone therapy: effect

What intravenous ozone therapy gives:

• raises immunity;

• cleans the skin;

• has a beneficial effect on blood flow;

• strengthens the vascular walls;

• removes toxins from the body;

• fills with energy;

• relieves fatigue, allergies;

• helps to quickly recover from physical stress;

• prevents cardiovascular disease.

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