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Treatment of catarrhal otitis


Treatment of catarrhal otitis

Treatment of catarrhal otitis

Catarrhal otitis

Depending on the age of the patient, catarrhal otitis proceeds in different ways.

In adults

Adults tolerate catarrhal otitis media much easier than children. It is easier for them to detect symptoms at an early stage, and a wider range of drugs can be used for treatment. And yet, it is not worth starting the disease so that there are no complications.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect this disease, you need to contact the ENT. He interviews the patient, examines the ear with an otoscope. At the same time, redness of varying degrees is noticeable on the eardrum - depending on the neglect of the inflammatory process. When pressing on it, the patient complains of pain and discomfort. Also, many people with this diagnosis experience pain when pressure is applied to the tragus. In addition to an otoscopic examination, the doctor takes a LHC culture to identify the type of pathogen.

In children

Catarrhal otitis in children is often an acute inflammation with pronounced symptoms. Children are very at risk of contracting it because their eustachian tube is not fully formed. Because of this, mucus easily enters it along with the infection, stagnant processes and inflammation develop. Acute catarrhal otitis occurs in children also because their immunity is not yet strong enough.

The main danger is that catarrhal otitis in a child can give serious complications. The inflammatory process instantly passes to neighboring structures - the inner ear, temporal bone, meninges. If you start acute catarrhal otitis media, it can provoke irreversible hearing loss in a baby and even death.

The second danger is that the disease becomes chronic, which is very difficult to cure. Because of this, the child may develop partial hearing loss and developmental delay.

Types of otitis in a child

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, otitis media is divided into external and middle.


With otitis externa, the development of the inflammatory process is facilitated by infection on the skin of the auricle and external auditory canal. This can often occur in a child in the following situations:

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