5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of intestinal tumors in Tashkent


Treatment of intestinal tumors in Tashkent

Treatment of intestinal tumors in Tashkent

The main causes of bowel tumors are an unhealthy diet, immobile work and the use of unhealthy food. There are benign and malignant (oncology).

Comprehensive diagnostics are carried out. The early stages may not let you know about your presence, so it is most often difficult to identify.

The occurrence of an intestinal tumor occurs for the following reasons:

Chronic and inflammatory bowel diseases

A diet that is low in fiber and high in animal fats


It is not recommended to use smoked products, as the bowel function is disturbed.

Bowel neoplasms are divided into 2 types:

1. Benign, that is, leiomyomas, polyps and lipomas.

2. Malignant (cancer).

In the initial stages, no symptoms are observed, but after time with the development of the disease, symptoms such as:

Weakness, lethargy

Decreased appetite

Stomach ache

Unreasonable weight loss

To diagnose the disease in the clinic, modern methods are used, including colonoscopy and irrigoscopy, as well as ultrasound, MRI, CT and laboratory tests.

Treatment is best done surgically due to the fact that this is the most effective and reliable method. It is important to try to notice every adverse condition occurring in the intestines and see a doctor at the time. This will give positive prognosis even with a malignant tumor.

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