5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of prostate cancer


Treatment of prostate cancer

Treatment of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men.

In the structure of cancer incidence, prostate cancer ranks third after lung and stomach cancer and fourth among the causes of death of cancer patients.

To this it should be added that due to the lack of screening programs for the early detection of the disease, its diagnosis is imperfect.

Most cases of the disease are diagnosed at stages 3-4, including 25% with generalization of the tumor process.

To date, mortality from prostate cancer in men is second only to lung cancer.

Prostate cancer can develop in absolutely any man older than 45-50 years.

The causes of this disease are not fully understood. The development of prostate cancer is associated with hormonal changes in older men, in particular, with high levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone.

Prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent tumor, that is, tumor growth is stimulated by testosterone. Therefore, in men whose blood testosterone levels are higher, the occurrence of prostate cancer is more likely and its course will be more malignant.

Prostate cancer is characterized by a slow and malignant course. This means that the tumor grows slowly (if we compare it with, say, liver cancer), it may not appear for many years. On the other hand, prostate cancer gives early metastases, that is, a small tumor can already begin to spread to other organs. Most often, the spread goes to the bones (pelvis, hips, spine), lungs, liver, adrenal glands. This is the biggest danger of cancer.


The best and most progressive method today is the determination of PSA in the blood - the so-called prostate-specific antigen. This is a substance, the amount of which in the blood increases dramatically when cancer occurs in the prostate. The advantage of this method is that today it is practically the only way to suspect prostate cancer at an early stage, when it can still be removed. The method is very simple and for the patient looks like a regular blood test. The disadvantages of the method include its very low prevalence in Russia and its relatively high cost.

Other studies - ultrasound, X-ray methods, allow only to more accurately determine the size of the tumor and the condition of other organs.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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