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Treatment of sagging belly


Treatment of sagging belly

Treatment of sagging belly

Over the years, many people notice that the stomach, previously toned and elastic, becomes flabby. This causes dissatisfaction with one's own figure and spoils the mood, making it difficult to wear tight-fitting clothes. Especially often, this problem worries the representatives of the fair half, for whom the question of how to get rid of a sagging abdomen is very relevant.

However, flabbiness of the abdomen is not a sentence and not an inevitability. Let's figure out why the stomach sags, and how the situation can be changed. It has been noticed that ladies of different ages and builds face a loss of elasticity in this part of the body. A woman can be slim and even thin, but the stomach is not as toned as we would like. There are several reasons for this.

We receive from our parents not only the shape of the nose and eyes, but also the features of the production of collagen, elastin and other components that are directly responsible for the condition of the skin and muscles - elasticity, firmness, smoothness. How to quickly remove a sagging belly will directly depend on what type of figure your mother or even grandmother had. If women in the family had a “female” type of figure with fat on the hips and abdomen, then more effort will have to be made.


The strategy and tactics of getting rid of sagging abdomen depends on what caused this aesthetic problem.

1. After too rapid weight loss, the skin needs to tighten - reduce its area. This takes time. If the weight has decreased by several tens of kilograms, plastic surgery is indispensable. Do not believe the advertising promises of cosmetic companies that "guarantee" an elastic body without stretch marks. You need to apply such creams in the process of losing weight, and not after you have lost 5-7 kilograms. And in general, comprehensive timely care is always better than hasty emergency measures.

2. If the cause is diseases, it is important to correctly diagnose and treat under the guidance of an experienced endocrinologist. The focus, of course, is to put health and well-being, and not concentrate on how to tighten the skin on the stomach that has sagged.

3. When sagging appears after childbirth, you need to find out what's wrong. If diastasis is observed, specialized treatment is necessary. A separate question is how to remove a sagging stomach after a cesarean. After all, after a surgical operation, physical exercises are contraindicated, and you need to deal with the problem immediately. Here, a light skin massage with natural oils, therapeutic bandages and corrective underwear will come to the rescue. Another tip on how to remove a sagging belly after childbirth. To do this, you can use the prenatal band, which many pregnant women wear to support the abdomen.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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