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Treatment of sphincteritis in Tashkent


Treatment of sphincteritis in Tashkent

Treatment of sphincteritis in Tashkent

Sphincteritis is a very common disease in the field of proctology and is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of such a department in the rectum as the sphincter. The sphincter is a muscle that performs a locking function. It is she who ensures that during the defecation process everything proceeds normally and the intestines cannot empty themselves. Most often, this disease is chronic.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the sphincter is responsible for regulating the exit of feces from the intestines. This muscle has two parts: internal and external. The receptors possessed by the outer part have the ability to stretch. Well, the inner part surrounds the anus itself. It is she who is responsible for holding gases and liquid fractions directly inside the rectum. The contraction of these muscles occurs at the level of a reflex, and there is no question of any control of consciousness.

The main causes of sphincteritis

-ulcerative colitis;

- complications of cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder, including the formation of stones in it;

- spasm of the anal intestine;

-general intestinal hypertonicity, for example, a consequence of chronic pancreatitis;

- cracks in the anal passage;

- constipation;

various kinds of infections.

Stitching short-term pains, turning into aching and localized mainly in the right hypochondrium. Such pain, in general, becomes more noticeable after eating. This is the very first sign of incipient sphincteritis, and other symptoms follow.


1. Compliance with a diet in nutrition (easily digestible food).

2. Local painkillers.

3. Anesthesia of the site of inflammation.

4. Introduction of anti-inflammatory suppositories and enemas.

5. Applying all kinds of lotions and dressings based on herbs.

With little effectiveness of treatment, surgical intervention is suggested (choledochotomy, drainage of the bile duct, papillosphincterotomy).

When the first signs of an incipient disease appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe timely therapy to avoid possible surgical intervention, and also tell you which sanatorium is best for anti-relapse treatment.

It is necessary to carry out such treatment only in the remission stage and after the control of tests, examinations and consultations of a specialist. Self-medication is absolutely not worth it, because this can directly lead to the development of inevitable complications and an undesirable course of the disease.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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