5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of ureteral stone


Treatment of ureteral stone

Treatment of ureteral stone

The presence of stones in the ureter is a variant of urolithiasis. This condition can develop in both newborns and the elderly. The age difference can only be in the structure of the calculus itself. So, in the older age group, uric acid stones predominate, and in young people, protein ones.

The process of stone formation is often unilateral, but bilateral localization of stones in the ureters can also occur.

Urinary calculi usually form in the renal pelvis. They enter the ureter with the blood stream. The migration of stones through the urinary tract is often accompanied by a severe attack of pain, which is called renal colic. Pain can be localized in the lumbar and inguinal region, as well as in the lateral sections of the abdomen.

The chemical composition of stones can also be very diverse:

-Urate - made up of uric acid. Poorly distinguishable on x-rays, but well detected by ultrasound, as well as by the results of a laboratory study of urine. They have a flat surface.

-Oxalate - consist of calcium salts of oxalic acid. They are well detected by scanning both ultrasound and X-rays. The surface is spiny, so the urinary tract mucosa can be easily damaged. Excessive consumption of oranges, tangerines, lemons, sorrel and spinach greens predisposes to the formation of oxalate stones. The situation is aggravated by nutrition with insufficient calcium content, tk. this element binds oxalates and removes them from the body.

In urological practice, the detection of stones in the ureter is a common situation. Predisposes to the development of this pathology aggravated heredity and nutritional habits. Given the low quality of modern products and low ecology, almost every person is at risk. Therefore, health should be regularly monitored - examined by a urologist, undergo an ultrasound scan of the urinary system and take a general clinical blood test. This will avoid serious complications, incl. renal colic.


Therapeutic tactics in the presence of stones in the ureter depends on their size and nature. Both conservative and operative measures can be applied.

Evacuation of stones from their urinary tract.
Urate stones are the only ones of their kind that can be lysed. To do this, the urologist prescribes diuretic drugs, a special diet and alkalinization of urine.
Oxalate stones are not amenable to lysis. However, if their size is not more than 4-5 mm (this is the diameter of the physiological narrowing of the ureter), then you can try to evacuate them from the body. To do this, the urologist recommends drinking about 2.5 liters of water per day, following a diet and promoting alkalization of urine. The passage of the stone lasts about a month and is accompanied by intense pain.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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