5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of varicocele and microsurgical operation


Treatment of varicocele and microsurgical operation

Treatment of varicocele and microsurgical operation

Varicocele is a varicose vein in the spermatic cord. As a result of insufficiency of the valve apparatus of the veins and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the veins of the spermatic cord expand and the outflow of blood from the scrotum is disturbed. Varicocele is often found in the diagnosis of male infertility, as a violation of the blood supply to the testicles disrupts the formation of healthy sperm. The cause of 40% of cases of male infertility is varicocele. The expansion of the veins of the scrotum disrupts the process of spermatogenesis.

Varicocele - an expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord and testicle, causing a violation of the outflow of blood. The prevalence of the disease among young men is 10-15%. This disease occurs in 30-40% of men with primary infertility (never had offspring before), and in 80% of men with secondary infertility (never suffered from infertility in the past). Symptoms of varicocele: pain in the scrotum; violation of the process of sperm formation; a decrease (atrophy) of the testicle and a violation of the production of the male sex hormone testosterone by the testicles. The diagnosis of varicocele is made by a routine examination, often in young men before military enlistment, or by examining men for infertility. Sometimes the only sign of a varicocele is pain in the testicle that occurs when standing for a long time.


The goal of treatment is to stop the circulatory disorder in the testicular vein by ligating or blocking it. There are various surgical techniques: open operations (with dissection of the muscles of the abdominal wall); laparoscopic and blockage of testicular veins with a catheter. Methods differ from each other in results, the recovery process and the likelihood of complications.
Microsurgery is a type of open surgery. Using a microscope with high resolution allows you to increase the picture of the surgical field. Thanks to the laparoscope, there is no need to cut the muscles of the abdominal wall; only a small incision is made on the skin (2-3 cm). You can better see the dilated veins and arteries that deliver blood to the testicle; a system of tiny vessels that provide lymphatic drainage from the testicle. The logic of using a microscope is simple: when you see better, there is less chance of damage, the operation is more precise, the result is better. A small incision contributes to a faster recovery, does not require long-term restriction of physical activity (which is especially suitable for young people). The next morning after the operation, the patient can be discharged from the hospital.
You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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