5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Differential diagnosis of pneumonia


Differential diagnosis of pneumonia

Differential diagnosis of pneumonia

The doctor should take a medical history and conduct a physical examination, including auscultation of the lungs.

If pneumonia is suspected, the doctor will usually do the following tests:

Blood tests are used to confirm infection and determine the type of organism causing the infection. However, accurate identification is not always possible. Elevated leukocytes in the general blood test and C-reactive protein in the biochemical analysis indirectly indicate the presence of bacterial inflammation in the body.

Chest radiograph. This allows the doctor to determine the location of the inflammation in the lungs.

Pulse oximetry is the measurement of oxygen levels in the blood. Pneumonia interferes with gas exchange in the lungs.

Sputum analysis. A sample of lung secretions (sputum) is taken after a deep cough and analyzed to help pinpoint the causative agent.

The doctor may order additional tests if the patient is older than 65, is in the hospital, or has severe symptoms or health problems. They may include:

CT scan. Layer-by-layer examination of lung tissue to obtain a more detailed image of the lungs.

Puncture of the pleural cavity. If fluid is detected in the pleural cavity, it is removed by inserting a needle between the ribs into the pleural cavity, the cell composition is examined in the resulting fluid and sown on special media, trying to identify the pathogen.

Treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia is aimed at suppressing the infection and preventing complications. People with community-acquired pneumonia can usually be treated at home with medication. Most symptoms disappear after a few days or weeks, and the feeling of fatigue may persist for a month or more.

Specific treatments depend on the type of pathogen and severity of pneumonia, the age and general health of the patient.
Options include:

Antibiotics. These medicines are used to treat bacterial pneumonia. Usually, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is prescribed until the results of the microbiological examination are obtained. It may take time to determine the type of bacteria causing pneumonia and choose the appropriate antibiotic for treatment. If the patient's condition does not improve, usually within 2-3 days, the antibiotic is changed.

Cough medicines. Because coughing helps clear phlegm from the lungs, it's not a good idea to stop coughing entirely. Also, you should be aware that there is very little research on the effectiveness of over-the-counter cough medicines. If you choose to take a cough suppressant, use the lowest possible dose that will help you rest. Separately, expectorant drugs should be mentioned, which facilitate the discharge of sputum, do not inhibit the cough reflex.

Antipyretics / Painkillers. You can take them as needed to reduce high fever and relieve chest discomfort from pleural pain. These include drugs such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. The Gatling-Med clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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