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Modern methods of coprostasis treatment


Modern methods of coprostasis treatment

Modern methods of coprostasis treatment

Coprostasis - The main reason for the development of coprostasis syndrome is a violation of the activity of the large intestine, which manifests itself mainly in the form of secretory and movement disorders. The stages in the formation and advancement of feces are changing.

The main role of the large intestine is the formation of dense feces from the liquid contents of the ileum and their accumulation to a certain amount, followed by excretion from the body during the act of defecation.

Coprostasis caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is most often associated with impaired motor function of the colon. With hypermotor, or spastic, constipation, the peristalsis of the large intestine is enhanced due to non-propulsive contractions, there is a significant number of retrograde peristaltic waves. At the same time, the lumen of the intestine narrows, deep and frequent haustration is expressed. Hypomotor, or atonic, constipation occurs half as often as hypermotor. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of constipation among the elderly are atrophic processes of the intestinal wall, significant bacterial contamination of the mucous membrane, age-related atony of the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.


- rare urge to defecate;

- feces become hard and dry;

- pain in the anorectal region;

- the need to push hard;

- anal fissures;

- the appearance of blood in the feces;

- a feeling of heaviness and fullness of the intestines;

- an attack of nausea with vomiting;

- deterioration in appetite, up to the aversion to food;

- insomnia;


Finger examination. During the examination, fecal stones, volumetric neoplasms, and places of greatest pain are determined. Before the examination, the abdomen is palpated to detect bloating, spasms, and an increase in the size of the sigmoid colon.

Ultrasonography . Abdominal ultrasound is a simple, non-invasive diagnostic method that shows signs of inflammation, abnormalities in the structure of the digestive tract, and suspicious neoplasms. Additionally, a targeted ultrasound scan of the liver and pancreas is performed using an ultrasonic transducer.

Radiography. Plain X-ray of the abdominal cavity is quite informative, it allows detecting the expansion of intestinal loops and signs of intestinal obstruction. To check the condition of the colon, a barium irrigography is prescribed, which is performed after an enema. Radiography of the passage of barium along the gastrointestinal tract is sometimes used.

Coprogram. Microscopic examination of feces includes the determination of undigested food particles, fatty acids, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Bacteriological sowing of feces is required to exclude dysbiosis. Stool is examined for helminth eggs and the presence of protozoal infections.

Additional methods. To exclude organic pathology and intestinal tumors, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is recommended.

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