5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Effective treatment of inguinal hernia.


Effective treatment of inguinal hernia.

Effective treatment of inguinal hernia.

An inguinal hernia is an abnormal protrusion of the peritoneum into the cavity of the inguinal canal. In men, they are much more common (risk 27% in men and 3% in women). The inguinal canal is a triangular cavity in which the round ligament of the uterus passes in women, and the spermatic cord in men. Inguinal hernias are among the most common hernias of the abdominal wall.

Symptoms of an inguinal hernia

feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;

the appearance in the inguinal region of a swelling that changes in size, disappearing in the supine position;

the occurrence of pain in the hernia after lifting weights or exertion;

feeling of discomfort when walking.

The presence of these clinical symptoms is an indication for emergency surgery.


Abdominal hernias are a common surgical pathology. In the CIS countries, in the USA, in the UK, up to 500 thousand patients with hernias are operated on annually.

There are various surgical strategies in the treatment of inguinal hernia. To close the hernia, mesh (synthetic or biological), open surgery or laparoscopy, type of anesthesia (general or local), the advisability of bilateral closure, etc. can be used.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It includes the following stages:

Access to the inguinal canal;

Isolation from surrounding tissues and removal of the hernial sac;

Suturing the inguinal opening to normal size with its expansion or destruction;

Plastic surgery of the inguinal canal.

Postoperative period:

minimal pain syndrome;

hospital stay 1 day;

relapses are extremely rare (up to 1%).

Obturation hernioplasty - through a skin incision (3-4 cm), a hernial sac is removed, set into the abdominal cavity, and an obturation mesh is sutured into the inguinal canal, which completely prevents the possibility of subsequent hernia formation.

Tashkent clinic “Gatling-med”, equipped with the latest equipment and doctors with 10 years of experience, is ready to answer all your questions, as well as provide proper treatment at a guaranteed high level.

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