5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of a benign neoplasm of the rectum and perianal region


Treatment of a benign neoplasm of the rectum and perianal region

Treatment of a benign neoplasm of the rectum and perianal region

Among the unpleasant and dangerous diseases, a special place is occupied by condylomas and rectal fimbriae. In addition to physical discomfort and danger to health, these diseases cause psychological rejection and complexes about their body. Benign neoplasms require immediate qualified treatment, as there is a risk of degeneration into a malignant form and the occurrence of rectal cancer.

Malignant pathologies of the perianal region, anal canal and rectum are relatively common. For their diagnosis, various laboratory and instrumental studies are used, the most informative and basic of which is a biopsy.

Oncopathologies of the anus and perianal region are rarer than adenocarcinomas of the rectum. Diagnosed here:

- bisalioma;

- squamous cell carcinoma;

- melanoma;

- adenocarcenoma.

A biopsy is performed during a proctoscopy. For this, a special endoscope is used, which allows you to take biomaterial during the examination. The tumor sample is then sent for examination, which will reveal or refute the presence of pathological cells, as well as show the histological structure of the induration or neoplasm. Also, a biopsy can be performed without proctoscopy. This can be a fine-needle aspiration test or a pinch test, when a small sample is cut off mechanically from the tumor. Inspection and sampling of biomaterial can be carried out using an anoscope.

If anal cancer is suspected, a rectal examination, anoscopy, ultrasound, proctoscopy and biopsy are performed for subsequent microscopic examination of cells. If the formation is detected during anoscopy, the biomaterial is taken immediately. An anoscope is a device equipped with a tube up to 10 cm in length and optics. It allows you to see any anal tumors and polyps. The procedure is safe, lasts up to 15 minutes, does not cause pain, because the diameter of the device is about 1 cm. A biopsy followed by histology allows you to accurately identify the nature of the pathology and determine the tactics of treatment.


The treatment is to remove the fringes. Surgery is carried out in several ways:

Laser excision of folds. The operation consists in the elimination of fringes with the help of light radiation. In this case, local anesthesia is used. The operation is painless, the scars are barely visible.

Radio wave removal. This operation is carried out with the help of special devices. Fringes are removed without traces and scars. The skin cells are heated by high-frequency waves, the tissues move apart and the folds go away. Coagulation does not damage healthy tissue and is a gentle treatment.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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