5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Radiculitis treatment


Radiculitis treatment

Radiculitis treatment

Myocardial infarction is a type of ischemic heart disease characterized by irreversible disorders in the heart muscle as a result of impaired blood flow through the coronary arteries


sudden (paroxysmal) arising pressing, squeezing, burning, breaking pains in the chest (behind the sternum) lasting more than 5 minutes;

similar pains are often observed in the area of ​​the left shoulder (forearm), left shoulder blade, left half of the neck and lower jaw, both shoulders, both arms, lower sternum along with the upper abdomen;

shortness of breath, shortness of breath, severe weakness, cold sweat, nausea often occur together sometimes follow or precede chest discomfort / pain; not infrequently, these manifestations of the disease develop against the background of physical or psycho-emotional stress, but more often with some interval after them.

Uncommon signs that are often confused with a heart attack:

stitching, cutting, pulsating, boring, constant aching for many hours and does not change its intensity of pain in the region of the heart or in a specific well-defined area of ​​the chest

If you or someone else suddenly has the above characteristic signs of a heart attack, even with a weak or moderate intensity, which last more than 5 minutes, do not hesitate, immediately call the ambulance team. Do not wait more than 10 minutes - in such a situation it is life-threatening. If you have symptoms of a heart attack and it is not possible to call an ambulance, then ask someone to take you to the hospital - this is the only correct decision. Never drive yourself unless you have no other choice.

In the most optimal variant, when a heart attack occurs, it is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

1. Immediately after the onset of an attack, sit down (preferably in a chair with armrests) or go to bed with a raised headboard, take 0.25 g of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) (chew and swallow a tablet) and 0.5 mg of nitroglycerin (spray one inhalation dose into oral cavity while holding the breath, put one tablet / capsule under the tongue, bite the capsule first, do not swallow); free the neck and provide fresh air (open the vents or window).
2. If after 5-7 minutes. after taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and nitroglycerin, pain persists; it is imperative to call an ambulance team and take nitroglycerin a second time.
3. If, 10 minutes after taking the second dose of nitroglycerin, pain persists, it is necessary to take nitroglycerin for the third time.
4. Give the patient a sedative (motherwort or valerian). There should be silence in the room, not to give an opportunity for a sick person to get nervous.
5. If, after the first or subsequent receptions of nitroglycerin, there is a sharp weakness, sweating, shortness of breath, you need to lie down, raise your legs (on a roller, etc.), drink 1 glass of water and then, as with a severe headache, do not take nitroglycerin.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. The Gatling Med clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and your health!

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