5/1 Building, 1 District, Chilanzar District

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00: Sat: 09:00-15:00.


Treatment of stones in the ureter


Treatment of stones in the ureter

Treatment of stones in the ureter

What are ureteral stones?

The presence of stones in the ureter is a variant of urolithiasis. This condition can develop in both newborns and the elderly. The age difference can only be in the structure of the calculus itself. So, in the older age group, uric acid stones predominate, and in young people, protein ones.

The process of stone formation is often unilateral, but bilateral localization of stones in the ureters can also occur.

Urinary calculi usually form in the renal pelvis. They enter the ureter with the blood stream. The migration of stones through the urinary tract is often accompanied by a severe attack of pain, which is called renal colic. Pain can be localized in the lumbar and inguinal region, as well as in the lateral sections of the abdomen.

Treatment can be carried out conservatively or with the use of surgical methods.


As long as the stone does not completely block the lumen of the ureter, there are no symptoms. Often, the disease first manifests itself with renal colic. This is an acute attack of intense pain in the lumbar region. The main distinguishing features of the pain syndrome are:

• The presence of provocateurs - cycling or horseback riding, intense physical activity, excessive fluid intake;

• Localization - not only the lower back hurts, but also the lower abdomen, groin and external genitalia;

• Position - changing posture does not bring relief (a person is forced to constantly look for a comfortable position, but never finds it);

• Accompanying symptoms - the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constant urge to urinate, pain when urinating, blood in the urine.


The main mechanism for the formation of stones is a disturbed metabolism, especially with a change in the water-electrolyte and chemical composition of the blood. Risk factors are:

• Burdened heredity (presence of urolithiasis in close relatives);

• Features of nutrition (adherence to spicy, sour and salty, which increases the acidity of urine);

• Chemical properties of drinking water (increased hardness and high salt content);

• Hypodynamic lifestyle;

• Deficiency in the body of retinol and tocopherol;

• Taking a number of pharmaceuticals (sulfonamides, excessive intake of vitamin C);

• Period of prolonged immobilization after injury;

• Diseases of the urinary system;

• Endocrine disorders (dysfunction of the parathyroid glands).

In addition, there are also secondary factors for the formation of calculi, which are associated with a violation of the passage of urine. Against this background, dissolved salts begin to crystallize and precipitate.

You can safely start treatment, which we carry out as quickly and efficiently as possible in Tashkent. Gatling Med Clinic will make you feel confident in yourself and in your health!

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